Hi, I'd like to report a small confusion in the documentation.

The documentation page for the ON CONFLICT clause at
"http://sqlite.org/draft/lang_conflict.html"; describes at the
beginning what kind of constraints this clause deals with:

> The ON CONFLICT clause applies to UNIQUE and NOT NULL constraints [...]. The 
> ON CONFLICT algorithm does not apply to FOREIGN KEY constraints.

This leaves open the question on what this clause on an INSERT or
UPDATE statement does with CHECK constraints.  The docs for CREATE
TABLE at "http://sqlite.org/draft/lang_createtable.html"; does answer
this, and the constraints page mentions CHECK constraints later as
well.  Still, I find this phrasing a bit confusing, as if the
documentation was trying to hide something about CHECK constraints.

Thus, could you please just add CHECK constraints to that first
sentence I've quoted?  Thanks,

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