This line* [SQLITEcmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue(chombo)]* isn't actually
used, I had just added it trying to figure out how to use parameterized
queries. You can comment it or ignore it out of the problem.


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Wycliff Mabwai <> wrote:

> Hi, (Don't know as yet who to salute)
> I have a problem, am populating data into a db3 file. Inserts, Replace all
> work fine. But when I update with a condition, it fails and tells me to
> check the syntax near "Where".
> The code itself is VB.Net, am trying to update certain fields.
> Below is the full code for the routine,everything in it works fine with
> insert as long as I don't use where, I think even update would work if I
> don't use  the where clause which would be senseless. I tried looking at
> paramaterized queries I couldn't figure it out quite how I would use them.
> Any assistance would be highly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Private Sub ReplaceRGrid()
>         ''On Error Resume Next
>         Dim SQLITEcons As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection
>         Dim SQLITEcmd As New SQLite.SQLiteCommand
>         Dim SQLITEcmd2 As New SQLite.SQLiteCommand
>         Dim SQLITEcmd3 As New SQLite.SQLiteCommand
>         connection.Open()
>         Dim cmd2 As New MySqlCommand("set net_write_timeout=99999; set
> net_read_timeout=99999", connection) 'Setting tiimeout on mysqlServer
>         cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()
>         cmd2.Dispose()
>         connection.Close()
>         SQLITEcons.ConnectionString = "Data
> Source=\\\\\Dexter14\44576\" & ComboBox1.Text & "\Data\" &
> ComboBox1.Text & ".db3; Version=3;"
>         Dim query20 As String = "SELECT * FROM ancestry44576coods where
> batch_no like '" & ComboBox1.Text & "' order by Image,section,orderKwa"
>         Dim cmd20 As New MySqlCommand(query20, connection)
>         Dim reade20 As MySqlDataReader
>         connection.Open()
>         reade20 = cmd.ExecuteReader
>         While reade20.Read
>             Dim chombo As Integer = reade20.GetString(10) &
> reade20.GetString(12) & reade20.GetString(11)
>             Try
>                 SQLITEcons.Open()
>                 SQLITEcmd2 = SQLITEcons.CreateCommand()
>                 SQLITEcmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue(chombo)
>                 If reade20.GetString(21) = "TextBox1" Then
>                     SQLITEcmd2.CommandText = "UPDATE RecordGrid SET
> LineNumber='" & reade20.GetInt32(11) & "',self_empty_info_gender_PRect= '"
> & IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(22), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(22)) & "," &
> IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(23), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(23)) & "," &
> IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(24), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(24)) & "," &
> IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(25), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(25)) & "' WHERE
> RecordGridID='"chombo"'"
>                 ElseIf reade20.GetString(21) = "TextBox2" Then
>                     SQLITEcmd2.CommandText = "UPDATE RecordGrid SET
> LineNumber='" & reade20.GetInt32(11) & "',self_empty_info_gender_PRect= '"
> & IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(22), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(22)) & "," &
> IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(23), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(23)) & "," &
> IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(24), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(24)) & "," &
> IIf(reade20.IsDBNull(25), String.Empty, reade20.GetString(25)) & "' WHERE
> RecordGridID='"chombo"'"
>                 End If
>                 SQLITEcmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
>                 SQLITEcmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()
>                 SQLITEcmd2.Dispose()
>                 SQLITEcons.Close()
>             Catch ex As Exception
>                 MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information)
>                 connection.Close()
>             End Try
>         End While
>         reade20.Close()
>         connection.Close()
>     End Sub
> --
> Mabwai Wycliff
> Digital Divide Data
> 7th Flr, Paramount Plaza - Kipande Rd
> off Globe Cinema Roundabout
> P.O Box 4282-00506
> Nairobi
> +254-772 191 795 Tel (Office)
> +254-727 445 985 (Mobile)
> Creating a World of Digital Possibilities
> Skype:  wycliff.mabwai

Mabwai Wycliff

Digital Divide Data
7th Flr, Paramount Plaza - Kipande Rd
off Globe Cinema Roundabout
P.O Box 4282-00506
+254-772 191 795 Tel (Office)
+254-727 445 985 (Mobile)

Creating a World of Digital Possibilities

Skype:  wycliff.mabwai
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