Thanks to all that replied to my post and sorry for the delayed response.
 I had trouble joining the list and had not realised that my post went
through until I tried to join the list again.

Simon Slavin slavins at wrote:

> What you might find increases your speed is to make sure that those 8 columns
> are the first 8 columns listed in your table definition (after the primary
> key, if any).  Each time you have SQLite read the columns for a row it has to
> read the whole row up to the last column it needs.  So if all the unwanted

Thanks, intriguing idea.  Unfortunately made no difference for my
situation.  I made sure the table was too large to be cached, and I was
using count(first_field) instead of selecting all the fields, can't imagine
that could be the problem.

> Lastly, do not fall into the trap of premature optimization.  You should not
> be looking for your program to run "as fast as possible".  You should be > 
> looking for it to run "acceptably fast".  You can spend 20 hours of 
> programming to improve
> runtime by 1 minute -- a minute that your users wouldn't care about because 
> they always go
> make a cup of coffee during a run anyway.

Yeah I am wary of that.  The queries take about 20 minutes, and really
disrupts my workflow.  If I spend a few hours on this and it works,
it'll save me hundreds of hours in the long run.  I like to collect
anecdotal performance advice, and implement it when the cost of doing
so is not much more than not doing it.  I have some evidence that the
approach has worked for me in the past.


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