On 2014-08-25 17:04, Richard Hipp wrote:
Thank you for creating this project.  I downloaded a copy.  It seems
very nice.


"SQLite" is a trademark.  You are welcomed and encouraged to use the
code for SQLite, but not the name "SQLite".

This is not just a legal exercise.  A project like your "SQLite
Database Browser" will end up in the hands of many people who think
that your GUI is in fact the real SQLite and not just a GUI front-end
to SQLite.  And so if they encounter problems, they will contact the
SQLite developers for support.  The office phone number here is not
difficult to find with a Google search, and quite a few SQL-newbies
manage to find it, and ring me up.  Then I have to explain to them
that the program they are using is not in fact SQLite but is a
third-party wrapper around SQLite and that they will need to contact
the developers of the third-party wrapper to get support and that, no,
I cannot give them the phone number because I dont know what it is. 
Many callers get this.  Others, not so much.  A few are downright
rude.  But in every case, I have to deal with the issue, which takes
time away from working on SQLite.  The experience is also frustrating
for the users of your GUI.

Suggested new name:  "Database Browser for SQLite"

Moving the word "SQLite" into a prepositional phrase makes it clear to
(most) people that your program is an add-on to SQLite and not SQLite
itself.  I think that will be sufficient to solve the problem
described above.

Oh, interesting thought.  Obviously creating hassles for yourselves
is kind of the opposite of what we had in mind. :)

Thank you for your understanding and for your prompt attention to this

No worries.  I'll communicate this to the rest of the team.  I don't
think it'll be too hard to do for the pieces we control (eg application,
website, some of the external project pages and similar).

Not sure how long it'll take for the information to propagate out, but
hopefully "Not too long". ;)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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