SQLite is a great database, but I've had nothing but problems deploying it
to a clean machine. There is supposed to be nothing extra to do when moving
the files from the bin directory to the target machine, but then I hear
rumblings about an unknown missing C++ redistribution package that may need
to be added.   All my deployment problems must be something that I'm doing
or not doing. Since I need to use Entity Framework, I started off by
installing sqlite-netFx451-setup-bundle-x86-2013-  Since the
deployment has been such a nightmare, I looked around and saw some
instructions on using the NuGet package.  I installed the Nuget package, and
that pretty much corrupted my project and maybe my Visual Studio
installation, so I've decided to start fresh.


It would be tremendously helpful if you could point me in the correct
direction for installing SQLite into my Visual Studio 2013 installation.
There seems to be so many pieces and different instructions that I'm
confused.  Do I use the sqlite-net bundle (maybe I'm using the wrong one) to
install, or do I use NuGet or perhaps both?   It would seem that using the
NuGet package would be best, but when I install the NuGet package into a
clean environment (yes I've done this several times), it's never compatible
with Entity Framework, or maybe I'm implementing it incorrectly. When using
the NuGet package SQLite never comes up as a database option for the ADO.net
Entity Data Model.


Please help me.  At this point, I'm desperate for an installation where I
can copy the compiled files from the bin directory to a clean machine and
have it run.


I'm running: Windows 7 - 64 bit and Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. My target
machines could be either 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7 machines.


Your help is tremendously appreciated,



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