On 12 Sep 2014, at 10:48pm, Eric Rubin-Smith <eas....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Looking at the sqlite web site and mailing lists shows that the SQLite team
> has taken a stab at answering the question, "is it faster to read a blob
> out of sqlite or out of a file?".  See the links below.
> Does the team have analogous guidance regarding write speeds?

I suspect that this would be very sensitive to the file system and storage 
drivers used.  You might get results with one setup which differ radically from 
those with another setup.  You might also get results which change depending 
how many files/rows there are when you update one file/row.

> I'm also interested in the delete path.  It seems like SQLite doesn't have
> much hope of competing with a native filesystem unlink(2) call to delete a
> file that is many gigabytes long, for example.  Is that right?

unlink(2) does a bit of checking to see that the user has permission to delete 
that file specifically and also to delete files from the folder that the file 
is in.  And once the file is deleted it has to add blocks to the volume's free 
list.  All SQLite has to do is change some bytes in flies it already has open.

I couldn't hope guess how this will come out and I will be interested in the 

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