On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Howard Chu <h...@symas.com> wrote:

> Scott Robison wrote:
>> A couple of academic thoughts.
>> 1. If one wanted to embed the journal within the database, would it be
>> adequate to reserve a specific page as the "root" page of the journal,
>> then
>> allocate the remaining pages as normal (either to the journal or the main
>> database)? This does leave the big hole problem so it may still not be
>> ideal, but it would give you a known location to find the beginning of the
>> journal without doubling the database size or requiring an extra file.
> Starting with a known location is definitely a step in the right direction.
>  2. Building on 1, could sparse files be used to accomplish this? Seek to
>> "really big constant offset" and do all journaling operations at that
>> point, allowing the operating system to manage actual disk allocation? If
> We're talking about implementing a filesystem. "the operating system" is
> your own code, in this case, you don't get to foist the work off onto
> anyone else.

No, Simon's original question was to the effect of why doesn't SQLite just
use the already open database file for journaling purposes as well. My
point 1 was in response to the need to know where the journal file is, so
just pick a dedicated page in the file as the root page of the journal,
allowing the two files to be co-mingled. It doesn't address every possible
bad reason for co-mingling the data, but it would at least answer the
question "how do you find the journal".

My second point was about existing SQLite database files that live in a
file system managed by some operating system. SQLite already foists that
work off on to someone else, this would be no different. It still may be a
bad idea, but that's not the reason why it wouldn't work. :)

Scott Robison
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