Hi all,

The page http://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html explains the way SQLite
attempts to fix assumed misuse of single and double quotes, with the note that
this (mis-)feature may go away.
I would like to request a pragma or option to make it go away now :-)
Although it is there for historical compatibility, it is actually a hindrance to
new development by converting what should be a "missing column" error into a
valid literal mismatch.
I will say in advance that I know I shouldn't make silly mistakes, shouldn't
code while a zombie, should check-in more often, should test more effectively,
should track my schemas better etc but:

I have been caught several times when a previously working piece of SQL has
silently failed, due to a column or view change in the database not matched with
a Delphi code change, an inadvertent character injection into a column name, or
when placing double quotes around a tablename.columnname in the Delphi source
for tidyness/completeness I have put quotes around the whole thing rather than
the individual elements.
Obviously my tests didn't pick the problem up soon enough, although in one case
I'd changed the schema in one database file but not updated the other one and
got caught by the silent failover.

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