Mark Lawrence <> wrote:
> On Wed Oct 01, 2014 at 09:50:16AM +0100, wrote:
> > > 
> > Linux (xubuntu),
> > ...
> > in this case I need a command line utility.
> You may be interested in the db-browser *terminal application*
> available from CPAN:
> It can be installed as follows:
>     sudo cpan App::DBBrowser
> After which the "db-browser" script should be in your path:
Thanks, that looks something like what I'm after.  However what the
chances are of installing it successfully on a Beaglebone Black I
don't know!  I'm currently installing it on my desktop machine to try
(quad core, 8Gb memory, loads of disk) and it appears to be installing
and compiling half of the world! On a lowly BBB with 512k memory and
only 4Gb disk in total I think it might be a bit slow.

... and on my desktop, now it's built it doesn't seem to work anyway.

On doing:-
    db-browser -s .

in a directory that contains sqlite3 databases it lists every file in
the hierarchy (why, there are thousands) and then fails with:-

    Ended searching
    Available databases:
    Can't locate object method "new" via package "JSON::XS" at
    /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/App/DBBrowser/ line 797.

It sounds as if db-browser could be useful but the user interface is a
little quirky!

Chris Green

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