On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 11:16:25 -0400
Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 8:38 PM, James K. Lowden
> <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> >
> > The problem I see with your suggestion is that I can't think of
> > another situation, with or without NULL, with or without defaults,
> > where
> >
> >         insert into T (t) value (X)
> >
> > results in T.t = Y.  You should get what you asked for, or an error,
> > not a magical transformation.

> I wouldn't call it 'magical' if the definition is right on the field
> declaration

Perhaps "magical" wasn't the best term.  My simple point is that in no
other case does inserting a value X into a column result in a
different value Y appearing there.  

The "value (DEFAULT)" syntax does not suffer from that problem.  

I hear someone saying "triggers".  Sure, you can abuse the system.
Anyone burned by triggers that do anything other than ensure
referential integrity quickly learns to be twice shy.  The system is
not improved when it subverts stated intentions.  

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