On 19-10-2014 17:48, Keith Medcalf wrote:

for a table test(i integer primary key, j integer) the new i (rowid) is as 

test.i = case when test.i is not null then test.i else case max(test.i) when 
null then 1 else max(test.i)+1 end end

if you add the autoincrement keyword, then the algorithm becomes

test.i = case when test.i is not null then test.i else case when 
sequence[test.i] is null then 1 else sequence[test.i]+1 end end
sequence[test.i] = case when sequence[test.i] is null or test.i > 
sequence[test.i] then test.i else sequence[test.i] end

and the update of sequence[test.i] occurs whether or not the transaction 

thanks for the clear answer

i could not find it when looking at these links:

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