
  Any sample/open source avail to custom collation. Will it work for like
queries. Any performance degradation?

>>Convert everything to upper (or lower) case brute force.
               Sorry. I am not clear. Can you please elaborate this.


On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Gerry Snyder <mesmerizer...@gmail.com>

> In a vaguely similar situation I wrote a custom collation that converted
> accented letters to their non-accented cousins. Since the conversion is on
> a case-by-case basis I also had to do a pre-screening that would show any
> non-ascii characters that I wasn't converting, so that I could add them to
> my collation.
> This is not quite what you want, since (I think) you want O and Ö and Ó to
> be distinct, but the same sort of technique should work for you. Convert
> everything to upper (or lower) case brute force. Perhaps tedious to set up,
> but straightforward.
> Gerry
> On 10/24/2014 9:54 AM, dd wrote:
>> Hi,
>> ö and Ö same character but case different. I dont want to allow to insert
>> two entries for same data with different case. It works well with ascii
>> set. How to handle this? any inputs welcome.
>> $./sqlite3 '/home/xxxx/sqlite/test/a.db'
>> SQLite version 3.8.7 2014-10-17 11:24:17
>> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
>> sqlite> .fullschema
>> CREATE TABLE test(id integer primary key autoincrement, t text collate
>> nocase, unique(t));
>> /* No STAT tables available */
>> sqlite> insert into test(t) values('a');
>> sqlite> insert into test(t) values('A');
>> Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: test.t
>> sqlite> .headers on
>> sqlite> select * from test;
>> id|t
>> 1|a
>> sqlite> insert into test(t) values('ö');
>> sqlite> insert into test(t) values('Ö');//issue: allowed to insert.
>> Expects
>> constraint failed err. But, not.
>> sqlite> select * from test;
>> id|t
>> 1|a
>> 2|ö
>> 3|Ö
>> sqlite> .q
>> Thanks,
>> dd
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