On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Andreas Kupries <andre...@activestate.com>

> How about looking into
>     fossil test-shortest-path
> and see how it follows the path of revisions. ?

Oh, but were's the fun in rolling a wheel someone else already made round

(moments later...)

It turns out i already ported the whole shortest-path/PathNode bits to
libfossil, but it hasn't yet been used anywhere except test code. Good
thing Fossil remembers everything so well, because i only vaguely remember
writing it.

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil/f-apps]$ ./f-sanity -1
Checkout dir=/home/stephan/cvs/fossil/libfossil/
Checkout db=/home/stephan/cvs/fossil/libfossil/_FOSSIL_
Repo db=/home/stephan/cvs/fossil/libfossil.fsl
directOnly=1, oneWayOnly=0
Versions d7927376fa9d (5534) to c10d7424ae4c (5525): 3 steps
#1: 5534
#2: 5532 begat 5534
#3: 5528 begat 5532
#4: 5525 begat 5528
checkout UUID=220da67a06ee577d4667718b2ffe2f94c48ca338 (RID 6660)
Cached statement count: 3
If you made it this far, no assertions were triggered. Now try again with
Total run time: 0.007919 seconds of CPU time

Interestingly, that test uses rid comparison for determining whether to say
"begat" or "derives from" (not seen above), but i've learned in the mean
time the rid comparison isn't strictly reliable because it's legal for
artifacts to get blobified (getting a blob.rid value) in an arbitrary order.

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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