Hi. Hi. I am writing an app that stores some blobs in sqlite3 database. My
question is about disk space usage.
For analyst i use sqlite_analyzer.

My database is created with this script:

PRAGMA page_size = 512;
PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;
PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;
create table grid_blobs(grid_id integer, blob blob, PRIMARY KEY(grid_id))
insert into grid_blobs values(0, randomblob(70));
insert into grid_blobs values(1, randomblob(66));
insert into grid_blobs values(2, randomblob(82));
insert into grid_blobs values(3, randomblob(79));
insert into grid_blobs values(4, randomblob(67));
insert into grid_blobs values(5, randomblob(124));
insert into grid_blobs values(6, randomblob(119));
insert into grid_blobs values(7, randomblob(70));
insert into grid_blobs values(8, randomblob(82));
insert into grid_blobs values(9, randomblob(75));
--... (other entries)
insert into grid_blobs values(2703, randomblob(698));

There are 2703 entries with blob length from 31 bytes up to 49870 bytes
(avg: 2297, median: 332).
The output of sqlite_analyzer for this table is:

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=512; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Percentage of total database......................  99.984%
Number of entries................................. 2437
Bytes of storage consumed......................... 3229184
Bytes of payload.................................. 2608484     80.8%
Average payload per entry......................... 1070.37
Average unused bytes per entry.................... 235.34
Average fanout.................................... 8.00
Non-sequential pages.............................. 0            0.0%
Maximum payload per entry......................... 49877
Entries that use overflow......................... 2321        95.2%
Index pages used.................................. 35
Primary pages used................................ 268
Overflow pages used............................... 6004
Total pages used.................................. 6307
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 1774         9.9%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 8836         6.4%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 562916      18.3%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 573526      17.8%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=1024; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 4679        10.6%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 17233        5.7%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 933114      28.7%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 955026      26.5%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=2048; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 13738       14.6%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 37882        6.6%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 1184110     37.0%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 1235730     31.9%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=4096; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 16017       12.6%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 57645        6.3%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 1264444     43.2%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 1338106     33.7%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=8192; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 31248       18.2%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 70063        5.5%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 1535111     54.6%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 1636422     38.4%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=16384; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 52549       24.7%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 88974        5.1%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 1202291     59.7%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 1343814     33.9%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=32768; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 36957       18.8%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 104610       5.0%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 1104895     70.2%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 1246462     32.2%

sqlite3 test.db "PRAGMA page_size=65536; vacuum;" &&
~/Downloads/sqlite3_analyzer test.db > analyze
Unused bytes on index pages....................... 115861      44.2%
Unused bytes on primary pages..................... 179123       7.2%
Unused bytes on overflow pages.................... 427834      72.5%
Unused bytes on all pages......................... 722818      21.6%

As you can see there are initially 18% of unused space in overflow pages.
As far as I understand it means that there are
some blobs that do not fit into primary pages and these blobs are stored in
overflow pages. But with increasing page size the unused space on overflow
pages are also growth. Even when the page size is greater then max blob
size (page_size = 65536, max blob = 49870) there are 72.5% of unused bytes
on overflow pages. Why?
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