> Also, SSD drives wear out fast.  We don't have good figures yet for 
> mass-produced drives (manufacturers introduce new models faster than the old 
> ones wear out, so it's hard to gather stats) but typical figures show a drive 
> failing in from 2,000 to 3,000 write cycles of each single block.  Your drive 
> does something called 'wear levelling' and it has a certain number of blocks 
> spare and will automatically swap them in when the first blocks fail, but 
> after that your drive is smoke.  And VACUUM /thrashes/ a drive, doing huge 
> amounts of reading and writing as it rebuilds tables and indexes.  You don't 
> want to do something like that on an SSD without a good reason.

The SSD endurance experiment suggests that you might not need to worry
too much about it:


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