On 9 Dec 2014, at 8:41pm, Rene Zaumseil <r.zaums...@freenet.de> wrote:

> Version 3: One table with time stamp, parameter id and parameter value
>  - Is it working when all values change?
>  - Is retrieving values for one parameter fast?

That one.  Versions 1 & 2 will both, technically, work, but they're abuse of 
how SQL should be used and will result in horrible code.

The speed for retrieving all parameters will be bound by your programming 
language.  SQLite will do its side of the job very quickly.  And since columns 
have just affinity and not type, having some values INTEGER and other REAL will 
work fine.

> I will write and read the data on the same time. But writing should have 
> priority.

Multithread ?  Multiprocess ?  Neither are needed, but those are the things you 
need to decide on next.

Also, do not forget to pick a journal mode and to set a busy_timeout.  Ah, I 
see you already mentioned journal_mode.  Good.

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