On 12/15/2014 13:23 PM, Dan Kennedy wrote:
> On 12/12/2014 09:22 PM, Josef Kučera wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to use SQLite's marvellous Virtual Table mechanism as a SQL
> > layer for querying an in memory storage. This works good, but I have a
> > problem with more complex queries. When querying a real SQLite database it
> > correctly moves the constant conditions across joined tables to optimize
> > the execution plan (I think this was implemented in the 3.7.17 release).
> > Unfortunately for virtual tables this does not seem to be supported. I can
> > overcome this limitation by manually tuning the SQL, but it will help if
> > the query planner can do this automatically.
> >
> > The major problem I have is with link table evaluation. Imagine a SQL like
> > "select * from A join B on A.ID=B.ID join C on C.ID=B.LINKID". The current
> > implementation evaluates cost of B only as B (ID, LINKID) causing the
> > execution to perform a full scan on either A or C. This seems to be caused
> > by the implementation of whereLoopAddVirtual() function. I think it should
> > evaluate cost for terms separated by tables in the right term as well, e.g.
> > for the mentioned SQL, table B, it should try B(), B(ID), B(LINKID), B(ID,
> > LINKID) instead of only B() and B(ID, LINKID).
> >
> > What should I do?
> You want this (or the same thing with the roles of "A" and "C" reversed):
>    * a full-scan on A,
>    * a lookup on B by (b.id=?)
>    * a lookup on C by (c.id=?)
> correct?
Yes, this is exactly what I want. It makes even more sense when there
is a WHERE
condition on table A.

> It's tricky. As you say, xBestIndex() will currently be invoked twice -
> once with no constraints usable and once with both "b.id=?" and
> "b.linkid=?" usable. I guess the reason it is not invoked in the other
> ways you suggest is that that strategy might conceivably require a huge
> number of xBestIndex() calls if there were more than a few other tables
> in the join.
You are absolutely correct. I do not think calling xBestIndex() for every
possible table combination is possible (too much xBestIndex calls and too much
WhereLoop variants to evaluate). I thought about adding a single call for each
table in the join, that could keep the amount of xBestIndex() calls reasonable,
and really help for this type of joined queries.

> You could change the query so that only one of the constraints is
> visible to the virtual table implementation. Say:
>    select * from A join B on A.ID=B.ID join C on C.ID=+B.LINKID
This is great, it gives the possibility to choose the plan by the command.
Many thanks for the tip.

> Or rework the virtual table code so that it knows only to use one of
> "b.id=?" or "b.linkid=?" at a time. If the xBestIndex only uses one of
> the constraints, the planner should do the right thing.
Unfortunately this would be hard to implement, currently I use a generic
virtual table mechanism to make cross-database queries. I hoped the decision
which condition to use could be made by the planner, without hard-coding it in
the virtual table implementation.

> Dan.

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