On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 11:40:22PM +0000, Simon Slavin wrote:
> If 'ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN ...' fails it fails harmlessly, with

But it doesn't fail so harmlessly:

$ sqlite3 db 'alter table toy add column foo text; select 5;' || echo fail
SQL Error: duplicate column name: foo

Note that:

 - the second statement was not executed
 - the noise on stderr
 - the non-zero exit status for the sqlite3 shell (which means that one
   of sqlite3_prepare_v2() or sqlite3_step() failed)

Yes, I can work around this.

Compare to a CREATE TABLE .. IF NOT EXISTS, which is silent and does not
cause the shell to exit with a non-zero exit status (because it doesn't
cause the sqlite3_exec() nor sqlite3_step() to return an error), and
does not stop evaluation of remaining input to the shell.

Ideally I could just have schema SQL in a file, doing DROP .. IF EXISTS
for some schema elements, CREATE .. IF NOT EXISTS for all of them, and
ALTER TABLE .. IF NOT EXISTS to upgrade schemas by just evaluating this
one file.

Executing a schema setup/upgrade file this via the shell is extremely

(I do that all the time, but not with ALTER TABLE.)

> its work already having been done.  The ALTER command came along a
> long time after original SQL.  By that time software could handle
> cases where a single SQL command failed without the software having to
> crash at that point.

Yes, there are workarounds, I'm well aware.

> I would value far more the ability to do
> in SQLite, difficult though it would be to implement in SQLite3.

I would like this too, yes.

It wouldn't be that difficult: all that's needed is to arrange for the
dropped column to remain on-disk but otherwise be ignored (hidden, but
really well hidden), but still be added (with null value) for INSERTs
and UPDATEs.  For SQLite3 that would mean something like extending the
sqlite_master table to list the on-disk columns, with dropped columns
marked-up as such.  One would have to vaccuum to have them truly

(For extra credit fail if triggers/FKs retain dangling references to the
dropped column, and even better, defer this check to commit time, since
subsequent statements might remediate this.)

Some things are easier than others.  ALTER .. IF NOT EXISTS surely would
be easier to add than DROP COLUMN.  Whether that's enough to recommend
it is a different story; I leave it to the SQLite3 team to decide that.

Even better, I'd like a normalized form of the schema stored in sqlite_*
tables, so that I could create/alter/drop schema elements with normal
CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE statements with WHERE clauses (so that I could
express conditional schema changes in SQL).  It'd be better than any
pragmas like table_info(table_name).  Much of the schema manipulation
statement logic could later be re-implemented by mapping those to DMLs
and then executing them, with many constraints (e.g., new columns must
allow NULL or otherwise have a default value, ...) implemented as

Today I'm just asking for IF NOT EXISTS.  If it's not adopted, no big
deal.  I think it has a couple of things to recommend it (utility,
relative ease of implementation), but I'm not paying for it.

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