> On 12/16/2014 03:08 PM, Paul wrote:
> >>>>> The memory is being used by the statement journal, which you have in
> >>>>> memory. If the app did not set "journal_mode=memory" and
> >>>>> "temp_store=memory", SQLite would create a really large temp file
> >>>>> instead of using memory. Which would still be sub-optimal, but might
> >>>>> not run into the 32-bit limit.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The reason the statement journal is growing so large is that SQLite
> >>>>> only truncates the statement journal when the outermost
> >>>>> sub-transaction is closed. Otherwise it just keeps on appending. i.e.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> BEGIN;
> >>>>> SAVEPOINT xxx;
> >>>>> ...
> >>>>> SAVEPOINT yyy;
> >>>>> ...
> >>>>> RELEASE yyy; -- does not truncate statement journal
> >>>>> COMMIT xxx; -- truncates statement journal
> >>>>> COMMIT;
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Your example has one explicit sub-transaction (equivalent to xxx) and
> >>>>> each DELETE statement is opening a second, implicit, sub-transaction
> >>>>> (equivalent to yyy).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> With the child records included, each DELETE statement is modifying 3
> >>>>> db pages - one from table "bar", one from table "foo" and one from the
> >>>>> PRIMARY KEY index on "foo". 100,000 deletes, 4Kib page size, 3 pages
> >>>>> per delete == 1.2GiB. Or without the child records, just 1 page
> >>>>> modified per delete, so closer to 400MiB of memory. Without the
> >>>>> sub-transaction, the implicit sub-transaction created by each DELETE
> >>>>> becomes the outermost and so the statement journal doesn't grow much
> >>>>> at all. So not much memory used in that case.
> >>>> Another idea would be to use a deferred foreign key constraint. That way
> >>>> the DELETE operations will not need the statement journal at all.
> >>>>
> >>> How can I get around implicit savepoint creation?
> >>> Why doesn't savepoint commit truncate a journal?
> >>> Why does journal grow even when there is nothing to delete in bar?
> >>>
> >>> Currently this limitation renders use of sqlite impossible, unless using 
> >>> ugly hacks.
> >>> From the user's perspective, this overhead is unimaginable. This is 
> >>> completely
> >>> normal use of SQL yet overhead is above the wildest imagination :(
> >> Also, I don not understand, how does it become outermost? Journal vener 
> >> grows
> >> if there is only single transaction (or savepoint) aroun 'delete loop'.
> >> Why in case of just single transaction around deletes this does not happen?
> >> Are you saying there is no YYY savepoint? Or the journal can be truncated
> >> when omiting BEGIN oe XXX but not when they are both present?
> > Please don't mind my last message.
> >
> > I understand now, what is going on. Yet this limitation is pretty 
> > depressing.
> > Is there no way in the future for things to change?
> > Can't journal be truncated, or modified pages be merged, after each 
> > consequential
> > implicit sub-transaction (YYY) release, while they are still in the cache?
> >
> > Is there any hope for me, except deferred FKs or DELETE FROM foo WHERE id 
> > IN (...)?
> There is now an update on the fossil trunk that should fix the problem 
> http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/8c5dd6cc259e0cdaaddaa52ccfa96fee6b166906

Hi Dan!

Thank you very much! I am very grateful for such a quick fix!
You won't believe it, but I've just sent an update for 'INSERT OR REPLACE' few 
seconds ago :)

Best regards, 
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