Hi guys, i'm trying to make a simple query using sqlite through gdal
library ( http://www.gdal.org/ogr_sql.html )

I have a simple table with two columns: ID and (asd*) (both columns have
integer values)

I want the minimun value of this columns

My first attempt was successful

E:\Pruebas>ogrinfo -sql "select min(id) MINID from Geo1" Geo1.shp
INFO: Open of `Geo1.shp'
      using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: Geo1
Geometry: None
Feature Count: 1
Layer SRS WKT:
MINID: Integer (10.0)
  MINID (Integer) = 2

My second attempt was unsuccessful

E:\Pruebas>ogrinfo -sql "select min((asd*)) MINASD from Geo1" Geo1.shp
INFO: Open of `Geo1.shp'
      using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
ERROR 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected ')'.
Occured around :
select min((asd*)) MINASD from Geo1

E:\Pruebas>ogrinfo -sql "select min("(asd*)") MINASD from Geo1" Geo1.shp
INFO: Open of `Geo1.shp'
      using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
ERROR 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected ')'.
Occured around :
select min((asd*)) MINASD from Geo1

Can someone help me with the correct expression?
Thanks in advance!


Federico Jurio
SUR Emprendimientos Tecnológicos

Perú 345  Piso 5to Oficina "B" (C1067AAG)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. +54 (11) 4342-2976/84
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