APSW does the same thing.  I suspect that the commit operation is invalidating 
the select (since it is performed while the select is running) -- the effect of 
performing a commit in the middle of a running select (on the same connection) 
is (or should be) undefined.  It will free the rollback journal and release all 
the locks.  It should also reset the select.  I am more concerned that it does 
not always do so more than I am concerned that it did so only once.

In any case, on a database where transactions are "per connection" and locks 
apply "to the database", the behaviour seen is not unexpected (by me, at any 
rate).  Using a separate connection for the INSERT/COMMIT also will not work 
because it will not be able to get a write lock while the select is running.  
This might provide a clue that the user code is, shall we say, somewhat ill 

The issue can be resolved by:
 (a) moving the commit out of the loop;
 (b) retrieving the whole resultset before running the loop; or,
 (c) changing the journal_mode to WAL (using an on-disk database) and using a 
separate connection for the INSERT/COMMIT in the loop.

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.  Practice is when 
everything works but no one knows why.  Sometimes theory and practice are 
combined:  nothing works and no one knows why.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org [mailto:sqlite-users-
>boun...@sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Simon Slavin
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 December, 2014 17:26
>To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] COMMIT nested in SELECT returns unexpected
>On 24 Dec 2014, at 6:39pm, Jim Carroll <j...@carroll.com> wrote:
>> I actually tried this same idea yesterday, but it made no difference.
>> manually creating cursors and executing all statements through them
>> the exact same problem.
>> For simplicity, I kept the code sample short, but I've tried dozens of
>> different ideas over the last two days to get to the bottom of this.
>Dammit;  I had high hopes I'd solved it.
>> I even
>> spent time studying the _sqlite.c code base
>> https://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Modules/_sqlite/ to see if
>> could track the source of the problem -- but I'm coming up blank.
>> I was getting hung up with trying to understand whether or not the
>> being attempted was valid sqlite. The comments I hearing is that from
>> sqlite perspective, the concept SHOULD work, but that there may in fact
>> some sort of bug/feature in the pysqlite connector code?
>I feel that RSmith's post shows that the fault is not in SQLite itself.
>I suspect it's in the Python library but I don't know nearly enough
>Python to be able to tell for real.  Could you try the same thing using
>this python library
>instead ?
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