On 3 January 2015 at 00:12, J Decker <d3c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay...
> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html
> https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html /* lists DateTime as a distinct type
> */

Could you point out where exactly

> I understand it's kept as a string... and there's no internal functions for
> this... but wasn't there a discussion to add hex and octal etc support for
> number conversions?  1.2Meg of stuff and you can't have a few 30 line
> functions to convert to gregorian calander day/second of day for
> calculation(julian day and second tick); amazing.

You have already quoted https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.htm

> ----------
> Since on the datefunc page
> Formats 2 through 10 may be optionally followed by a timezone indicator of
> the form "*[+-]HH:MM*" or just "*Z*". The date and time functions use UTC
> or "zulu" time internally, and so the "Z" suffix is a no-op. Any non-zero
> "HH:MM" suffix is subtracted from the indicated date and time in order to
> compute zulu time. For example, all of the following time strings are
> equivalent:
> 2013-10-07 08:23:19.120
> 2013-10-07T08:23:19.120Z
> 2013-10-07 04:23:19.120-04:00
> 2456572.84952685
> Defines equivalency... I would have assumed that inequalities could also be
> done.

There is no datetime type - the value is stored as string, real or
integer. The datetime functions will convert strings, reals or
integers to a datetime value, which can be compared; for equivalence
or inequality.

> And since 'formats supported' are specified, one would assume that datetime
> columns with supported strings would work with at least =, >= <=, <, >, !=

There is no datetime type; compare the columns using the datetime functions.
I.e datetime( col1) < datetime( col2 )...

If you don't use the datetime functions, then columns containing
datetime STRINGS will be compared using the text collation specified.

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