On 2015/01/07 12:13, The Responsa Project wrote:
To Whom it amy concern

I am trying to use SQLITE and the like statement with wildcards and hebrew

when I put in an english string it works correctly, such as

Select  * from dbname where colname like '%123%'

I will get all the entries from that column that contain 123 anywhere in the 

However if I substitute 123 with hebrew letters - it matches all the entries, 
not just the ones containing what I asked for.

If I do not use the wilcards in the like it matches the exact word properly. In 
version 3.2.2 of sqlite this worked fine (with wildcards), later versions it does 
not. So for example "SELECT * from dbname where colname like '%אב%' will give 
me all the entries not only the ones matching only אב.

I tried GLOB, which also did not work.?

I would like to (and need to) upgrade to the latest version of Sqlite but I 
cannot because of this issue.

Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Not a bug in the latest version - works fine for me, but I am not sure which other versions you have tested. Are you using the C api directly or going through some wrapper? (It might mess with the UTF8 or whatever encoding you start off with). Is your DB in UTF-8 mode?

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