The datetime function always returns GMT time unless you request it to do 
something else (for example, asking for a conversion to 'localtime' using the 
system c library concept of localtime and timezones -- which will almost always 
be incorrect on Windows since it has extremely limited comprehension of 
timezones -- being written by such a weeny company that only exists in one 
timezone asnd has no customers operating in more than one timezone or for more 
than one or two years).

For example:

sqlite> select datetime('2015-01-04 15:35:16.435465 -07:00');
2015-01-04 22:35:16

Notice two things:  (1) the output is rounded to the second (2) the string has 
no timezone offset (it is naive).

If you need to keep the milliseconds, then you need to use strftime:

sqlite> select strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f','2015-01-04 15:35:16.435465 
2015-01-04 22:35:16.435

If you need more than 3 decimal places for seconds, you need to use something 
other than the built in functions.  Net ever strftime can be coerced into 
reporting more than millisecond precision.

Unfortunately, there is no way to solve the second problem -- the string output 
from strftime (and its alias functions) is always naive and you have no way of 
knowing what the relevant timezone offset is.  You can always append the string 
'+00:00' to designate GMT, but this will be a PITA if you have to do it all 
over the place.  For example,

sqlite> select strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f +00:00','2015-01-04 15:35:16.435465 
2015-01-04 22:35:16.435 +00:00

You may well be better served using something other than the SQLite builtin 
functions to perform date / time manipulations and store only unixepoch or 
julianday numbers in the database -- let your application handle the 
conversions as close to the user as possible.  If someone wants to use the 
shell tool and convert them to strings then they can, but they will suffer the 
vagaries of interpretation and expression of the results -- the data in the 
database will be clear and concise and totally free of interpretational 

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.  Practice is when 
everything works but no one knows why.  Sometimes theory and practice are 
combined:  nothing works and no one knows why.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] On Behalf Of MikeSnow
>Sent: Wednesday, 7 January, 2015 07:00
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Time Zone Conversions
>I am kind of new at this..... so if I get you, I should concat the 3
>to get one in the suggested format.  But then how do you convert?
>2013-10-07 04:23:19.120-04:00
> datetime("Column_Time", 'utc')?
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