On 1/8/15, Michal Zalewski <lcam...@coredump.cx> wrote:

> I have been running afl-fuzz against sqlite and bumped in a bunch of
> bugs that seem to crash the sqlite3 binary

Fixed here: https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/fe578863313128

Bug report for your trophy case: https://www.sqlite.org/src/info/a59ae93ee990a55

Nice work.  I've never heard of afl-fuzz before, but you can bet I'm
going to be studying up on it!

 (but do not seem to be a
> security problem, other than in the denial-of-service sense). There
> are four seemingly distinct patterns, with test cases included inline:
> -- test1.sql --
> create table t0(t);insert into t0
> select strftime();
> -- eof --
> This one is a failure in:
> sqlite3DbMallocRaw (db=0x2, n=32) at sqlite3.c:20567
> 20567       if( db->mallocFailed ){
> where db looks like something in the vicinity of NULL.
> #0  sqlite3DbMallocRaw (db=0x2, n=32) at sqlite3.c:20567
> #1  0x000000000053b17c in sqlite3VdbeMemGrow
> (pMem=pMem@entry=0xa9f4d8, n=<optimized out>, n@entry=32,
>     bPreserve=bPreserve@entry=0) at sqlite3.c:61789
> #2  0x000000000057c904 in sqlite3VdbeMemClearAndResize (szNew=32,
> pMem=0xa9f4d8) at sqlite3.c:61831
> #3  sqlite3VdbeMemStringify (pMem=0xa9f4d8, enc=<optimized out>,
> bForce=<optimized out>) at sqlite3.c:61949
> #4  0x000000000057cf40 in valueToText (pVal=0xa9f4d8, enc=enc@entry=1
> '\001') at sqlite3.c:62681
> #5  0x000000000057d166 in sqlite3ValueText (pVal=<optimized out>,
> enc=1 '\001') at sqlite3.c:62714
> #6  0x0000000000598fcd in sqlite3_value_text (pVal=<optimized out>) at
> sqlite3.c:67471
> #7  strftimeFunc (context=0x7fffffffca90, argc=0, argv=0xa9f358) at
> sqlite3.c:15657
> -- test2.sql --
> DETACH(select group_concat(q));
> -- eof --
> That one looks like a distinct NULL ptr deref:
> exprSrcCount (pWalker=<optimized out>, pExpr=0xa9eec8) at sqlite3.c:84694
> 84694       for(i=0; i<pSrc->nSrc; i++){
> #0  exprSrcCount (pWalker=<optimized out>, pExpr=0xa9eec8) at
> sqlite3.c:84694
> #1  0x00000000004fb86f in sqlite3WalkExpr (pWalker=0x7fffffffc400,
> pExpr=0xa9eec8) at sqlite3.c:79072
> #2  0x000000000069193f in sqlite3WalkExprList (p=<optimized out>,
> pWalker=0x7fffffffc400) at sqlite3.c:79095
> #3  sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc (pExpr=0xa9ed48, pSrcList=0x0) at
> sqlite3.c:19186
> #4  resolveExprStep (pWalker=pWalker@entry=0x7fffffffc480,
> pExpr=pExpr@entry=0xa9ed48) at sqlite3.c:14402
> #5  0x0000000000692bcb in sqlite3WalkExpr (pExpr=0xa9ed48,
> pWalker=0x7fffffffc480) at sqlite3.c:79072
> #6  sqlite3ResolveExprNames (pNC=0x7fffffffc550, pExpr=0xa9ed48) at
> sqlite3.c:15026
> #7  0x0000000000694b2b in resolveSelectStep (pWalker=<optimized out>,
> p=<optimized out>) at sqlite3.c:80402
> ...
> -- test3.sql --
> select(select strftime());
> -- eof --
> Faults in:
> sqlite3ValueText (pVal=0x1, enc=1 '\001') at sqlite3.c:62708
> 62708     if( (pVal->flags&(MEM_Str|MEM_Term))==(MEM_Str|MEM_Term) &&
> pVal->enc==enc ){
> #0  sqlite3ValueText (pVal=0x1, enc=1 '\001') at sqlite3.c:62708
> #1  0x0000000000598fcd in sqlite3_value_text (pVal=<optimized out>) at
> sqlite3.c:67471
> #2  strftimeFunc (context=0x7fffffffca90, argc=0, argv=0xaa02d8) at
> sqlite3.c:15657
> #3  0x00000000007883fb in sqlite3VdbeExec (p=0xa8d5a8) at sqlite3.c:70606
> #4  0x00000000007aaf11 in sqlite3Step (p=0xaa0018) at sqlite3.c:67809
> #5  sqlite3_step (pStmt=<optimized out>) at sqlite3.c:2339
> #6  0x0000000000425228 in shell_exec (db=0xa8d5a8,
> zSql=zSql@entry=0xa8d510 "select(select strftime());",
>     pArg=pArg@entry=0x7fffffffcf50,
> pzErrMsg=pzErrMsg@entry=0x7fffffffce68, xCallback=0x41dd80
> <shell_callback>)
>     at shell.c:1365
> #7  0x000000000042a933 in process_input (p=p@entry=0x7fffffffcf50,
> in=0x7ffff7565640 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>) at shell.c:3697
> -- test4.sql --
> select n()AND+#00;
> -- eof --
> This dies for me at:
> #0  sqlite3ExprIsInteger (p=p@entry=0xa9edb8,
> pValue=pValue@entry=0x7fffffffc9a4) at sqlite3.c:16463
> #1  0x00000000004f3aed in sqlite3ExprIsInteger (pValue=0x7fffffffc9a4,
> p=0xa9edb8) at sqlite3.c:81085
> #2  exprAlwaysFalse (p=0xa9edb8) at sqlite3.c:15665
> #3  sqlite3ExprAnd (db=0xa8d598, pLeft=0xa9eeb8, pRight=0xa9edb8) at
> sqlite3.c:15682
> #4  0x0000000000687b86 in sqlite3PExpr (pParse=0xa9f0c8, op=72,
> pLeft=0xa9eeb8, pRight=0xa9edb8, pToken=0x0)
>     at sqlite3.c:81167
> #5  0x0000000000752a7c in spanBinaryExpr (pLeft=<optimized out>,
> pLeft=<optimized out>, pRight=<optimized out>,
>     pRight=<optimized out>, op=<optimized out>, pParse=<optimized
> out>, pOut=<optimized out>) at sqlite3.c:120313
> #6  yy_reduce (yyruleno=<optimized out>, yypParser=<optimized out>) at
> sqlite3.c:57482
> #7  sqlite3Parser (yyp=0xa9f368, yymajor=-13916, yyminor=...,
> pParse=0x3d5, pParse@entry=0xa9f0c8) at sqlite3.c:58144
> /mz
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