Thank you for your response. The disk I mentioned is the hard disk.
Fsync is moving data from memory to hard disk. When I removed the hard
disk from the box and fsync is still called in sqlite, in this case of
course, data will not be moved successfully to hard disk but fsync will
still do something which is time consuming. I will still keep track of
this problem in the future. If you meet the same or similar problem and
get to know the answer, please let me know. I appreciate your great
help, thank you so much.

On 01/21/2015 03:17 AM, Roger Binns wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 01/20/2015 01:12 AM, Wei, Catherine wrote:
>> What's strange is that when I remove the disk, the difference still
>> exists. It takes long time for fsync working with no disks, which
>> has confused me for several days.
> What exactly do you mean by "no disks"?  You earlier mentioned a file
> handle, which means at the very least that there are one or more
> filesystems.  Even if you are only using ramdisks, memory pressure can
> result in things being moved around and take some time.
> Ultimately you and your colleagues are the ones who will have to
> figure this out.  We don't have access to your systems, or a way to
> reproduce, and SQLite doesn't have code to cause this.
> A tool that may help is SystemTap.
> Roger
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