[I got an unexpected _"message's content type was not explicitly allowed"_
bounce message after my first email, so I'm re-sending it in plain text. 
I apologize in advance for the subsequent lack of formatting, and am 
sorry for the double post if the first one actually reached you.]


I've been experiencing an issue with SQLite's CLI tool on Windows 7, when 
used through a script or spawned process (not when used directly in the 
For a bit more context, this problem namely affects the way the *dblite* 
library ([https://github.com/WebReflection/dblite], an SQLite wrapper for 
Node.js which spawns the CLI tool behind the scenes) works.

The problem lies in the fact that, as opposed to Linux where stderr is always 
unbuffered, Windows behaves differently depending on whether the output is an 
interactive console or a pipe: on an interactive console, stderr is 
unbuffered, but when piped it becomes buffered (which I personally think is 
overcomplicated, but meh, that's the way it is, although I don't know if it 
is a general rule on Windows, or specific to GCC's implementation, or 
whatever, but I don't think it matters here).

This difference in I/O buffering happens to create a discrepancy in the 
behavior of the CLI tool, between on one side Linux and Windows' 
interactive console, and on the other side piped output on Windows.

Here is a tiny piece of shell script (working on both Windows' cmd and 
Bash) that can be used to see the difference:

    (echo fail\; && echo .version) | sqlite3 2>&1

This is the non-piped version. Simply add `| more` at the end to get a piped 

The sections below show the result.
Windows 7 x64:

    C:\>(echo fail\; && echo .version) | sqlite3 2>&1
    Error: near line 1: near "fail": syntax error
    SQLite 2014-12-09 01:34:36 f66f7a17b78ba617acde90fc810107f34f1a1f2e
    C:\>(echo fail\; && echo .version) | sqlite3 2>&1 | more
    SQLite 2014-12-09 01:34:36 f66f7a17b78ba617acde90fc810107f34f1a1f2e
    Error: near line 1: near "fail": syntax error

Note the swapped output lines: the error shows up after the version when piping 
the output.

Lubuntu 14.10:

    gmal@VLubuntuGM:~$ (echo fail\; && echo .version) | sqlite3 2>&1
    Error: near line 1: near "fail": syntax error
    SQLite 3.8.6 2014-08-15 11:46:33 9491ba7d738528f168657adb43a198238abde19e   
    gmal@VLubuntuGM:~$ (echo fail\; && echo .version) | sqlite3 2>&1 | more
    Error: near line 1: near "fail": syntax error
    SQLite 3.8.6 2014-08-15 11:46:33 9491ba7d738528f168657adb43a198238abde19e

All is fine here.

(Unfortunately I don't have an OSX machine, so I don't know how it behaves.)

This issue basically makes it impossible to use the CLI tool the way *dblite* 
does, i.e. a long-living child process with piped input and output. Indeed, the
error messages come in too late, at seemingly random times (in fact, they show 
up whenever the system flushes the buffer, which is usually completely out of 
I am not sure this way of using the CLI tool is actually meant to be supported 
by SQLite, but I'm pretty sure this discrepancy between the different OSes is 
not there on purpose, which is the reason why I'm submitting this as a 
potential bug to you guys. 

Additional info:
After quickly looking at the code (sorry if I'm breaking the _"tachyon 
modulation must be wrongly polarised"_ rule), I found out that SQLite's shell 
tool explicitly flushes stdout after each query but leaves stderr untouched, 
probably trusting it to be unbuffered.
I tried to compile a modified version of shell.c (just adding a few calls to 
`fflush(stderr)` along those to `fflush(p->out)` ), and it appears to work 
like a charm so far. But there may be compatibility issues with other usages, 
so I'm not going to pretend this is an easy fix. We all know there is no such 
thing as an easy fix in projects with a large-enough user base.

Thanks a lot for your patience and congratulations for the awesome work done 
on SQLite. I'm quite new to it but it really seems to be a GREAT piece of 

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