Tiemogo, Idrissa wrote:
> When I derive a table from another table containing blob type.
> The describing the new table doesn’t show “blob".
> sqlite> create table t1 (p_id int, geometry blob);
> sqlite> pragma table_info(t1);
> 0|p_id|int|0||0
> 1|geometry|blob|0||0
> sqlite> create table t2 as select * from t1;
> sqlite> pragma table_info(t2);
> 0|p_id|INT|0||0
> 1|geometry||0||0

The documentation (<http://www.sqlite.org/lang_createtable.html>) says:
| The declared type of each column is determined by the expression
| affinity of the corresponding expression in the result set of the
| SELECT statement, as follows:
|     Expression Affinity   Column Declared Type
|       TEXT                  "TEXT"
|       NUMERIC               "NUM"
|       INTEGER               "INT"
|       REAL                  "REAL"
|       NONE                  "" (empty string)

"blob" and "" have the same affinity, so this works just fine.

For an explanation of dynamic typing and affinity, see

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