Zaumseil Ren? wrote:
> I have a separate table for each parameter with time stamp and value.
> The time stamp is used as "integer primary key asc".
> [...]
> It is also possible to go back in time and then start from there.
> Currently I remove all values from the tables after the specified time.
> New values can be added after this.
> With larger backtrack intervals I have performance problems.
> Can I speed up the deletion?

How exactly are you doing the deletion?
Are you using a single transaction?

> I will only read the data with a second program on another computer.
> I have read it is not possible to use sqlite in wal mode over a network.
> Is it so in my scenario?

If "on another computer" means that you are using a network file system
(and not copying the DB files to the other computer's local disk), then
WAL will not work correctly.

> Would it be possible if I can stop the writing for the duration of the
> read?

Updates of memory-mapped files are not guaranteed to be seen on remote
computers (this might corrupt data).  But if everything happens on
a single computer, it should work.

Using WAL mode appears not to be a good idea, but I guess you need the
read/write concurrency.  In that case, consider using a client/server

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