On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:42 AM, James K. Lowden <jklowden at schemamania.org>

> On Wed, 29 Apr 2015 20:29:07 -0600
> Scott Robison <scott at casaderobison.com> wrote:
> > > That code can fail on a system configured to overcommit memory. By
> > > that standard, the pointer is invalid.
> > >
> >
> > Accidentally sent before I was finished. In any case, by "invalid
> > pointer" I did not mean to imply "it returns a bit pattern that could
> > never represent a valid pointer". I mean "if you dereference a
> > pointer returned by malloc that is not null or some implementation
> > defined value, it should not result in an invalid memory access".
> Agreed.  And I don't think that will happen with malloc.  It might, and
> I have a plausible scenario, but I don't think that's what happened.

The Linux man page for malloc documents that the pointer returned may not
be usable in the case of optimistic memory allocations, as the eventual use
of the pointer may trigger the need to commit a page of memory to the
address space and that a page of memory may not be available at that point
in time. Thus malloc, on Linux, makes no guarantee as to the viability of
using the returned pointer.

Perhaps you are correct and "sigsegv" is not the literal signal that is
triggered in this case. I don't care, really. The fact is that an
apparently valid pointer was returned from a memory allocation function yet
can result in an invalid access for whatever reason (out of memory, in this
case). The Linux OOM killer may kill the offending process (which is what
one would expect, but one would also expect malloc to return null, so we
already know not to expect the expected). Or it may kill some other process
which has done nothing wrong! Sure, the OS is protecting the two processes
address space from one another, but it seems to me that if one process can
kill another process, there is a problem.

I can see the utility of a memory allocation strategy like this. It should
in no way be the *default* memory allocation strategy, especially for a
system that tries to be posix compliant, because this is in direct
violation of posix compliance (by my reading) from

Upon successful completion with *size* not equal to 0, *malloc*() shall
> return a pointer to the allocated space.

Or maybe posix just needs a better definition for "allocated space". Sure,
an address was allocated in the processes address space, but actual memory
was not allocated.

The decades old interface contract was "if you call malloc with a non-zero
size, you can depend on malloc to return a null pointer or a pointer to the
first byte of an uninitialized allocation". Thus your application could
decide what to do if the memory was not available: abort, exit, select an
alternative code path that can get the job done with less or no memory,
ignore the return value and let sigsegv handle it later.

Now with optimistic memory allocation, you do not have a choice. If your
malloc call results in an overcommit, your process can be killed later when
it tries to access the memory. Or some other innocent process might be

I really wonder how many man hours have been wasted trying to debug
problems with processes just to find out that the killed process did
nothing wrong, it was some other process overcommitting memory. Or worse,
how many man hours were wasted and no good reason was ever learned.

I came across this last night while learning more about OOM:
https://lwn.net/Articles/104179/ -- particular, the analogy, which I think
is spot on.

I realize that there is no one right answer to how an OS should handle
memory exhaustion. There are various tradeoffs. However, C is not an
operating system, it is a language, and the standards tell you how you can
expect it to behave. In this case, the C API is broken on Linux by default,
so it becomes impossible to write fault tolerant applications in the face
of this feature.

Scott Robison

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