
I would like to create a link table in MS Access to a SQLite database. (Not
using ODBC driver)
The following code works in MS Access, but link table are in another MS
Acces database

Private Sub CreateAccessLinkTable(ByVal stmtHandle As Long, newTableName As
    Dim td As DAO.TableDef
    Dim colCount As Long
    Dim colValue As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim dbsCurrent As DAO.Database
    Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
    Dim strConnect As String
    Dim strDbFile As String
    Dim strLinkName As String
    Dim strPassword As String
    Dim strSourceTableName As String

    strDbFile = "C:\Test\Data.mdb"
    strSourceTableName = "authorizationActions"
    strLinkName = "authorizationActions"

     strConnect = "MS Access" & _
    ";DATABASE=" & strDbFile

    Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
    Set tdf = dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef

    tdf.Connect = strConnect
    tdf.SourceTableName = strSourceTableName
    tdf.Name = strLinkName
    dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdf

   End Sub

I would like to do the same, but I'm missing the connection string for the
(Dim td As DAO.TableDef) td.Connect - for the SQLite connection.

Private Sub CreateLocalLinkTable(ByVal stmtHandle As Long, newTableName As
    Dim td As DAO.TableDef
    Dim colCount As Long
    Dim colValue As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim dbsCurrent As DAO.Database

    If myDbHandle = 0 Then Err.Raise 99, , "database not open"
    colCount = SQLite3ColumnCount(stmtHandle)

    ' Create Table
    Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
    Set td = dbsCurrent.CreateTableDef

    td.Connect = ?????????????????????????????????????????? (Not with ODBC
- must be from SQLite.DLL)
    td.SourceTableName = newTableName
    td.Name = newTableName
    dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append td
End Sub

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