On 8/15/15, Carlos Tangerino <carlos.tangerino at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> This is a logically dead code because TERM_VNULL is 0.

VNULL can be 0 or 0x80, depending on your compile-time configuration.

> The 'continue' *(1)* will never be executed.
>     testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL );
>     testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ALL );
>     if( (pTerm->eOperator & ~(WO_ISNULL|WO_EQUIV|WO_IS))==0 ) continue;
>     if( pTerm->wtFlags & *TERM_VNULL* ) continue;
> *-------------------------------------------------(1)*
>     pIdxCons[j].iColumn = pTerm->u.leftColumn;
>     pIdxCons[j].iTermOffset = i;
> Best regards.
> Carlos Tangerino
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