On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 9:35 AM, Bernhard Schommer <
bernhardschommer at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's not a bug. It actually comes from the warning -Wmemset-transposed-args
> which is active with -Wall and I had a short look that it seems to be that
> there were several bugs with false positives for this warning and as far as
> I can understand the gcc developers did not
> rule out to issue the warning even if memset(*,0,0) is used.

It's not a bug as it is only a warning, but it is an overly strict warning.
The parameters have been confirmed to be in the correct order. This warning
is not unlike the ones I get from Visual C++ about "this function is often
misused, try this other one instead". The reality is that if the the
function in question is being used properly, the warning can be safely

Don't misunderstand, I am all in favor of eliminating as many warnings as
possible, but it is a lot harder to be 100% warning free in portable source
like SQLite.

Scott Robison

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