Hello All,

I'm trying to install this on my freebsd system:

Problem is that I compile sqlite from source and keep up to date with
trunk pretty regularly, but sqawk can't compile when I also have
sqlite complied.

Main error from sqawk:
errorInfo: couldn't load file
"/usr/local/lib/tcl8.6/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so": Cannot open

I have tried ./configure --enable-shared and ./configure
--enable-shared=libtclsqlite3.so in sqlite src but config log always
says no.

configure:9790: checking whether to build shared libraries
configure:9811: result: no

Full config log: http://dpaste.com/1MEDECZ.txt

Is it possible to compile in libtclsqlite3?

If you don't have a freebsd system nearby, you can use Vagrant to spin
a VM up very quickly:

inum: 883510009027723
sip: jungleboogie at sip2sip.info
xmpp: jungle-boogie at jit.si

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