On 25 Aug 2015, at 10:38am, Jeff M <jmat at mac.com> wrote:

> Looking at Xcode's memory report (and using Instruments), I see that memory 
> does ratchet up, despite my being very careful matching alloc/releases (this 
> app is pre-ARC).  I need to relearn Instruments.

You were tricked.  You don't need to relearn Instruments, you need to learn 
what they do now.  They changed.

For those playing along at home programming iDevices under iOS see


for Instruments in general, and for memory issues in particular see


For Macs under OS X, see


for Instruments in general, and for memory issues in particular see


which discusses the four types of memory problems (unexpected allocation, 
allocated but pointer lost, allocated but unused, and released but then used).  
The tools referenced do what valgrind does, just in Apple's usual graphical 

For those who are about to point out that valgrind does so much more ... you're 
right.  And there are other Instruments in Xcode which do more too.


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