2015-12-27 18:11 GMT+01:00 Yuriy M. Kaminskiy <yumkam at gmail.com>:

> (I know, I'm a bit late for discussion, but...)
> Cecil Westerhof <cldwesterhof at gmail.com>
> writes:
> > 2015-12-14 12:40 GMT+01:00 Clemens Ladisch <clemens at ladisch.de>:
> >
> >> Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> >> > I have a crontab job which uses a SQLite database. Sometimes this
> database
> >> > is locked because I used SQLite DB Browser, but did not Write or
> Revert
> >> > Changes. It looks like that when a database is locked there is a file
> with
> >> > the database name with -journal appended to it. Can I count on this?
> >>
> >> The -journal file exists when there is some changed data that might
> >> need to be rolled back.  It is possible for the DB to be locked before
> >> some changed data is actually written.
> >>
> >> In WAL mode, there is no journal.  (And if your job is read only, it
> >> then would not be blocked by concurrent writes.)
> >>
> >
> > ?No, I need to write also.?
> Still, if read-only concurrent transactions are more likely, it will get
> rid of (some) waiting on locks.

?I know and in a program where I am only reading there is no problem.


> >> > Then I could write a script to warn me about the lock.
> >>
> >> You could use SQLite to check whether the DB is locked:
> >>
> >>   if ! sqlite3 my.db "begin immediate"; then
> >>     echo "is locked"
> >>   fi
> >>
> >
> > ?Thanks, I improved a little on it:
> > sqlite3 "${DATABASE}" "begin immediate" 2>/dev/null
> ***[1]
> > errorCode="${?}"
> > if [[ "${errorCode}" -eq 5 ]] ; then
> >     printf "${DATABASE} is locked\n"
> > elif [[ "${errorCode}" -ne 0 ]] ; then
> >     printf "Error ${errorCode} while accessing ${DATABASE}\n"
> > else
> >     printf "${DATABASE} is free\n"
> > fi
> ***[2]
> This check is racy and must not be used (What will happen if you will
> start concurrent queries in DB Browser somewhere between [1] and [2]?
> Right,
> this check won't detect database is locked, but your later (actual) code
> *will* fail on attempt to lock).

?You did not read the problem correctly. The program is only needed to
check if a database is inadvertently locked. In this way I can be notified,
so that the database is not locked when the cron job is going to send
proverbs and need to change the database.


> 1) You should set reasonable sqlite3_busy_timeout (e.g. with `sqlite3
> -cmd '.timeout 120000' ...` [for 2 minutes timeout]). By default, it is 0,
> so even if database is only shortly locked, it will still fail, even though
> waiting a bit would help.

?My experience is that there is a wait of around two seconds. At least in
Bash, Python and Java.


> 2b) If you cannot express your DB change as static SQL statement(s)
> (e.g., if some statements use results obtained in previous SELECT
> queries, so you cannot feed your whole SQL code into single sqlite3
> invocation), you should use SQLite binding to some real program language
> (perl, tcl, python,...) instead of sh and sqlite3.

?Well, for just checking if a database is locked I think it is good enough.
But I also wrote a Java program for it:
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;

    public class CheckProverbsLocked {
        // We use this class as a program,
        // so we make sure the class cannot be initiated
        private CheckProverbsLocked() {

        // Check if the database is locked.
        // If it is give message and return 1
        // On other error give message about the error and return 2
        // Otherwise no message and return 0
        public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
            Connection   conn;
            Statement    stmt;

            conn =
            stmt  = conn.createStatement();
            try {
                stmt.executeUpdate("BEGIN IMMEDIATE");
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // In a stand-alone program the next two statements are not
                // but I prefer well written code, so I use them
                if (e.getMessage().equals("database is locked")) {
                    System.out.println("The database is locked.");
                } else {
                    System.err.printf("Unexpected error: %s\n",
            // In a stand-alone program these statements are not necessary,
            // but I prefer well written code, so I use them

?The reason I use getMessage instead of getErrorCode is that getErrorCode
return 0 instead of 5.?

I should generalise it, so it can be used for any SQLite database.

Cecil Westerhof

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