> Le 28 d?c. 2015 ? 08:27, Dan Kennedy <danielk1977 at gmail.com> a ?crit :
> It's because (at least historically - may have changed?) win32 does not 
> support advisory locks. So if you take an EXCLUSIVE lock on a range of bytes 
> no other process can read them. This is different from Unix, where all locks 
> are advisory - one process locking a range of bytes does not prevent another 
> from reading them, only from taking a conflicting lock.
> For this reason we need a range of bytes that are never read by SQLite to 
> take locks on (otherwise we couldn't have readers running concurrently with 
> the writer). The reason the selected range is out at 2^30 instead of, say, at 
> the start of the file, is to avoid forcing really small databases to be 
> larger than they would otherwise have to be.
> It doesn't matter that database files are usually less than 2^30 bytes in 
> size. All the (main?) platforms support locking regions of a file that have 
> not yet been populated.
> Dan.

Thank you Dan for this authoritative answer. :)
It's perfectly clear now.

> It doesn't matter that database files are usually less than 2^30 bytes in 
> size. All the (main?) platforms support locking regions of a file that have 
> not yet been populated.

I suspected this, but I didn't have to use file locking APIs for so many years 
(lucky me!), so I really wasn't sure at all about this.

Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten, Best Regards,
Olivier Mascia, integral.be/om

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