It's single threaded. 
I have a log of all of the queries run through the database up until the crash. 
It crashes on a rollback command. Interestingly, I noticed that flattening my 
database migrations makes this issue go away so it may have something to do 
with schema changes and the journal.
I can send the log off-list to anyone who wants it. I could also send a 
dockerfile to recreate the problem. Any interest?

> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2015 15:41:32 -0700
> From: rogerb at
> To: sqlite-users at
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] SIGSEGV rolling back in-memory DB??
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/07/2015 02:06 PM, Brian Soby wrote:
> > I don't believe it's a python specific issue since the core problem
> > occurs in a rollback command internal to SQLlite.
> Unless you configure it otherwise, pysqlite likes to parse your SQL
> and do extra operations behind your back (eg automatically starting
> and committing transactions).  pysqlite also doesn't do
> multi-threading correctly - how do you do threading?
> > I don't have an easy way to recreate the problem ...
> That will make it very tricky.  Note that these kind of issues are
> extremely rare in SQLite, and almost always caused by other bits of
> code corrupting memory, and taking out SQLite as a side effect.  Try
> disabling as many non-SQLite extensions as possible (that are
> implemented in C).  Also use valgrind and similar tools as memory
> checkers.
> Sadly pysqlite doesn't have an easy way of tracing SQL execution
> without you modifying all call sites and updating its code to catch
> the behind your back operations.
> If you have the time and can update your code, you can try APSW as an
> alternative to pysqlite (disclosure: I am the APSW author).  APSW
> includes a tool that lets you see all queries and data returned, as
> well as profiling information:
> You may also find these two links relevant:
> Roger
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