
We use SQLite in an environment (ships) where a time zone change can happen 
during normal operation. We then set the time zone of the system (windows) 
Running SQLite instances do not respect this change. So Time('now') and  
Time('now', 'localtime') still return the same values but in my opinion 
Time('now', 'localtime') should respect the new time zone.

Steps to reproduce:
select Time('now'), Time('now', 'localtime')
then change the time zone in the os (windows) to some other value and do again 
the above select in the same still running instance

Test environment:
SQLite Version
OS: Windows 7

Thanks and best regards
Bruno Schw?gli

PS. Tried to report this bug to sqlite-users at sqlite.org<mailto:sqlite-users 
at sqlite.org> but message was automatically rejected

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