Revisiting a thread from about 3 weeks back, I have another xBestIndex puzzler. 
 The example query from that thread was:

SELECT t1.rental_date, t1.inventory_id, t8.film_id, t5.title AS Title, 
        t3."name" AS Category, t4.customer_id, t4.store_id,, 
FROM rental  t1 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN inventory t8 
                ON  ( t8.inventory_id = t1.inventory_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN customer t4 
                ON  ( t4.customer_id = t1.customer_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN film_category t7 
                ON  ( t7.film_id = t8.film_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN film t5 
                ON  ( t5.film_id = t8.film_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN category t3 
                ON  ( t3.category_id = t7.category_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN film_actor t6 
                ON  ( t6.film_id = t5.film_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN actor t2 
                ON  ( t2.actor_id = t6.actor_id )  ;

The "money" call to xBestIndex in that case looked like this:

jmpvtab BEST INDEX:  Table: inventory  nConstraints: 3
   CONST[0]: 0 (inventory_id) = Usable
   CONST[1]: 1 (film_id) = Usable
   CONST[2]: 1 (film_id) = Usable

In response to this, I originally promised to create an index using all 3 
constraints (two if which are the same), but SQLite rejected that and did a 
table scan instead, because it really only needed an index based on 
inventory_id.  So the heuristic we ended up with, which did fix this specific 
query, was (from Gunter):

> If you know nothing about a table except for the names of the fields 
> and the number of rows, then you are best off choosing 
> the first constraint only. (rows = cost = log n)

Well, now I have a counter-example.  This time, the SQL looks like this:

SELECT t2.rental_id, t2.rental_date, t1.film_id, t3.title, 
        t4.category_id, t5."name" 
FROM rental  t2 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN inventory t1 
                ON  ( t2.inventory_id = t1.inventory_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN film t3 
                ON  ( t3.film_id = t1.film_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN film_category t4 
                ON  ( t4.film_id = t1.film_id )  
        LEFT OUTER JOIN category t5 
                ON  ( t5.category_id = t4.category_id )  ;

For whatever reason, the "money" call to xBestIndex in this case looks like 

jmpvtab BEST INDEX:  Table: inventory  nConstraints: 3
   CONST[0]: 1 (film_id) = Usable
   CONST[1]: 1 (film_id) = Usable
   CONST[2]: 0 (inventory_id) = Usable

The order of the constraints is different!  So, using the "first constraint" 
heuristic, I commit to indexing based on film_id, but indexing inventory on 
film_id not helpful for this query.  SQLite sees that inventory is indexed on 
film_id and decides to use table scan for inventory, and it's game over.

If SQLite calls to xBestIndex do not in some way convey which constraints 
matter and which ones don't, I don't see how I can use virtual tables.

Here is the WhereTrace, in case it might help:

*** Optimizer Start ***
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,200
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,200
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=216,200 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 0 cost=216 nrow=200 order=0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=201)
New    0 cost=216,200 order=1
---- after round 0 ----
 0 cost=216 nrow=200 order=1 rev=0x0
---- Solution nRow=200 ORDERBY=1,0x0
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,200
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
   skip: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=271, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=0  was 0 cost=271, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=181)
---- sort cost=239 (1/1) increases cost 271 to 272
New    0 cost=272, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=1  was 0 cost=272, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=1 rev=0x0
---- Solution nRow=180 ORDERBY=1,0x0
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
   skip: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=271, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=0  was 0 cost=271, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=181)
---- sort cost=239 (1/1) increases cost 271 to 272
New    0 cost=272, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=1  was 0 cost=272, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=1 rev=0x0
---- Solution nRow=180 ORDERBY=1,0x0
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
   skip: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=271, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=0  was 0 cost=271, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=181)
---- sort cost=239 (1/1) increases cost 271 to 272
New    0 cost=272, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=1  was 0 cost=272, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=1 rev=0x0
---- Solution nRow=180 ORDERBY=1,0x0
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
   skip: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=271, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=0  was 0 cost=271, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=181)
---- sort cost=239 (1/1) increases cost 271 to 272
New    0 cost=272, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=1  was 0 cost=272, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=1 rev=0x0
---- Solution nRow=180 ORDERBY=1,0x0
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
   skip: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
    add: * 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 04000 N 1 cost 271,53,43
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=271, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=0  was 0 cost=271, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=181)
---- sort cost=239 (1/1) increases cost 271 to 272
New    0 cost=272, 43 order=0
Update 1 cost=216,180 order=1  was 0 cost=272, 43 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 1 cost=216 nrow=180 order=1 rev=0x0
---- Solution nRow=180 ORDERBY=1,0x0
1 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 00100 N 0 cost 0,216,180
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
---- Solution nRow=1
0 0.01.00 sqlite_master                     f 01101 N 1 cost 0,33,1
*** Optimizer Finished ***
*** Optimizer Start ***
  constraint[0]: col=2 termid=0 op=2 usabled=0
  usage[0]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
    add: * 0.01.00           t2 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,279,139
  constraint[0]: col=2 termid=0 op=2 usabled=1
  usage[0]: argvIdx=1 omit=1
    add: * 0.01.03           t2 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,160,20
  constraint[0]: col=1 termid=5 op=2 usabled=0
  constraint[1]: col=1 termid=6 op=2 usabled=0
  constraint[2]: col=0 termid=7 op=2 usabled=0
  usage[0]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
  usage[1]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
  usage[2]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
    add: * 1.02.01           t1 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,243,120
  constraint[0]: col=1 termid=5 op=2 usabled=1
  constraint[1]: col=1 termid=6 op=2 usabled=1
  constraint[2]: col=0 termid=7 op=2 usabled=1
  usage[0]: argvIdx=1 omit=1
  usage[1]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
  usage[2]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
    add: * 1.02.0f           t1 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,140,16
  constraint[0]: col=0 termid=1 op=2 usabled=0
  usage[0]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
    add: * 2.04.03           t3 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,199,99
  constraint[0]: col=0 termid=1 op=2 usabled=1
  usage[0]: argvIdx=1 omit=1
replace: * 2.04.03           t3 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,199,99
    add: * 2.04.03           t3 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,115,16
  constraint[0]: col=0 termid=2 op=2 usabled=0
  constraint[1]: col=1 termid=4 op=2 usabled=0
  usage[0]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
  usage[1]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
    add: * 3.08.07           t4 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,199,99
  constraint[0]: col=0 termid=2 op=2 usabled=1
  constraint[1]: col=1 termid=4 op=2 usabled=1
  usage[0]: argvIdx=1 omit=1
  usage[1]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
replace: * 3.08.07           t4 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,199,99
    add: * 3.08.07           t4 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,115,16
  constraint[0]: col=0 termid=3 op=2 usabled=0
  usage[0]: argvIdx=0 omit=0
    add: * 4.10.0f           t5 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,80,40
  constraint[0]: col=0 termid=3 op=2 usabled=1
  usage[0]: argvIdx=1 omit=1
replace: * 4.10.0f           t5 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,80,40
    add: * 4.10.0f           t5 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,42,0
0 0.01.00           t2 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,279,139
1 0.01.03           t2 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,160,20
2 1.02.01           t1 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,243,120
3 1.02.0f           t1 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,140,16
4 2.04.03           t3 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,115,16
5 3.08.07           t4 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,115,16
6 4.10.0f           t5 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,42,0
---- begin solver.  (nRowEst=0)
New    0 cost=279,139 order=0
---- after round 0 ----
 0 cost=279 nrow=139 order=0
New    02 cost=382,259 order=0
---- after round 1 ----
 02 cost=382 nrow=259 order=0
New    024 cost=389,275 order=0
---- after round 2 ----
 024 cost=389 nrow=275 order=0
New    0245 cost=400,291 order=0
---- after round 3 ----
 0245 cost=400 nrow=291 order=0
New    02456 cost=400,291 order=0
---- after round 4 ----
 02456 cost=400 nrow=291 order=0
---- Solution nRow=291
0 0.01.00           t2 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,279,139
2 1.02.01           t1 (-999,0)            f 00400 N 0 cost 0,243,120
4 2.04.03           t3 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,115,16
5 3.08.07           t4 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,115,16
6 4.10.0f           t5 (0,1)               f 00400 N 1 cost 0,42,0
*** Optimizer Finished ***



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