A SELECT query obtains a SHARED lock on the database file. Doing so, there can 
be many simultaneous readers according to the documentation at 
https://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html. However, before the SHARED lock is 
obtained in winLock(sqlite3_file *id, int locktype), a temporary PENDING lock 
is requested. 

So when multiple threads start a SELECT query on different sqlite3* objects at 
the exact same time, some of them will result in a SQLITE_BUSY error, because 
they all request the exclusive PENDING lock. Is there a way to work around 
this, so that I can execute SELECT queries really simultaneously? 

We have WAL enabled, so we were under the assumption that it should be possible 
to have multiple readers at the same time, however the UNLOCKED -> PENDING -> 
SHARED transition seems to intervene with the principle of having multiple 
readers at the same time.

This is the callstack of one of the threads:

>             SQLService.exe!winLock(sqlite3_file * id=0x0e42aab0, int 
> locktype=1) Line 35956
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3OsLock(sqlite3_file * id=0x0e42aab0, int 
lockType=1) Line 16294
               SQLService.exe!pagerLockDb(Pager * pPager=0x0e42a998, int 
eLock=1) Line 42356
               SQLService.exe!pager_wait_on_lock(Pager * pPager=0x0e42a998, int 
locktype=1) Line 45027
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager * pPager=0x0e42a998) 
Line 46249
               SQLService.exe!lockBtree(BtShared * pBt=0x0e429ea0) Line 55204
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree * p=0x0e428250, int 
wrflag=0) Line 55562
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3InitOne(sqlite3 * db=0x0e427e38, int 
iDb=0, char * * pzErrMsg=0x0d861654) Line 104635
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3Init(sqlite3 * db=0x0e427e38, char * * 
pzErrMsg=0x0d861654) Line 104814
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3ReadSchema(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650) Line 
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3LocateTable(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650, int 
isView=0, const char * zName=0x0dd4ad38, const char * zDbase=0x00000000) Line 
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3LocateTableItem(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650, 
int isView=0, SrcList_item * p=0x0dd4adc0) Line 90143
               SQLService.exe!selectExpander(Walker * pWalker=0x0cd6ec58, 
Select * p=0x0dd4acb8) Line 109480
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3WalkSelect(Walker * pWalker=0x0cd6ec58, 
Select * p=0x0dd4acb8) Line 80316
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3SelectExpand(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650, 
Select * pSelect=0x0dd4acb8) Line 109726
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3SelectPrep(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650, 
Select * p=0x0dd4acb8, NameContext * pOuterNC=0x00000000) Line 109812
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3Select(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650, Select * 
p=0x0dd4acb8, SelectDest * pDest=0x0cd6ef70) Line 110055
               SQLService.exe!yy_reduce(yyParser * yypParser=0x0d8665c0, int 
yyruleno=111) Line 124055
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3Parser(void * yyp=0x0d8665c0, int 
yymajor=1, Token yyminor={...}, Parse * pParse=0x0d861650) Line 125147
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3RunParser(Parse * pParse=0x0d861650, const 
char * zSql=0x0141a4c4, char * * pzErrMsg=0x0cd6f09c) Line 125987
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3Prepare(sqlite3 * db=0x0e427e38, const 
char * zSql=0x0141a4c4, int nBytes=-1, int saveSqlFlag=1, Vdbe * 
pReprepare=0x00000000, sqlite3_stmt * * ppStmt=0x0cd6f138, const char * * 
pzTail=0x0cd6f144) Line 105039
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3LockAndPrepare(sqlite3 * db=0x0e427e38, 
const char * zSql=0x0141a4c4, int nBytes=-1, int saveSqlFlag=1, Vdbe * 
pOld=0x00000000, sqlite3_stmt * * ppStmt=0x0cd6f138, const char * * 
pzTail=0x0cd6f144) Line 105139
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlite3 * db=0x0e427e38, const 
char * zSql=0x0141a4c4, int nBytes=-1, sqlite3_stmt * * ppStmt=0x0cd6f138, 
const char * * pzTail=0x0cd6f144) Line 105215
               SQLService.exe!sqlite3_exec(sqlite3 * db=0x0e427e38, const char 
* zSql=0x0141a4c4, int (void *, int, char * *, char * *) * 
xCallback=0x00000000, void * pArg=0x00000000, char * * pzErrMsg=0x00000000) 
Line 100638

Best regards,

Harmen de Jong
CoachR Group B.V.

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