On 2015-03-01 04:41 PM, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> I find strange and confusing that bind indexes start from 1 (docs in
> [1]) and instead column indexes start from 0 (doc in [2]). Is there
> any technical reason or it is just an unlucky legacy?

I'm going to venture a guess here and go with "Unlucky Legacy", but it 
is not really confusing I think. Please note that column indices start 
from 1 too when you refer a column or field in the TCL/SQL - a design 
that might stem from the SQL standard. I observed the same in MySQL or 
MSSQL etc. (refer ELEMENT() or similar functions) - Only the SQLite API 
refers to the first column/Index as 0, but the API is a programming API 
and not a TCL and follows the base way all programming constructs (at 
least those I am familiar with) such as array indexing, bytes, pointers 
etc. do it.  Where the API needs to refer to SQL/TCL constructs, such as 
in your example [1], the lines get blurry and the API adapts (which is 
far better than having the SQL adapt).

I'm sure if we had the opportunity to redesign the SQL standard - it 
might look somewhat different.

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