On Mon, 2015-03-02 at 12:45 +0200, R.Smith wrote:
> Ok, I've found the source of the list duplications.
> Some emails (Such as the one by J.K. Lowden 2-March-2015 re: Characters 
> corrupt after importing...) contains a "Reply-To" field in the header 
> with both list addresses which must have sneaked in there due to some 
> automatic list feature.  (By "Both" I mean the old: 
> sqlite-users at sqlite.org and the new: sqlite-users at 
> mailinglists.sqlite.org)

You don't need that, do you? Just hitting Reply All to a message which
 To: sqlite-users at sqlite.org
 Reply-To: sqlite-users at mailinglists.sqlite.org

would generate a message which ends up going to both, wouldn't it?

(I can't easily test; I've configured my mailer to ignore abusive
Reply-To: headers from mailing lists where it can detect them, so my
Reply and Reply All buttons actually do what I *ask* them to.)

But looking at the first message in the 'PhD Student' thread, it appears
just as in my example above. And John KcKown's response of 26 Feb 2015
07:16:47 -0600 is indeed to both addresses, as if he'd done the correct
thing and simply hit 'Reply All'.

> I usually use the "Reply to List" button (Thunderbird) which replies 
> correctly,

Note that that is considered extremely anti-social in many cases,
because it cuts some people out of discussions entirely. See
http://david.woodhou.se/reply-to-list.html for a full discussion.


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