On 9 Mar 2015, at 9:38pm, Scott Robison <scott at casaderobison.com> wrote:

> A co-worker who is working on a project is interested in finding out if
> there is an effective ORM for C++ / SQLite. I've not used one so I'm
> turning to the list to see if anyone has a recommendation.

For those playing along at home, ORM == Object Relational Mapping.  In other 
words you do Object-oriented programming in C++ and the objects are stored in a 
SQLite database.

I'm not aware that this problem has been solved well in any language or with 
any database engine.  It might seem like a terrific oppotunity to write a 
demonstration library, but differences in how languages do OO and how databases 
store data seem to make this a difficult problem to crack.  I'd be interested 
in any solutions that use SQLite with any popular OO language.


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