Works perfectly fine for me.  Note that if you are submitting the commands in a 
single batch, then the abort action of INSERT OR ABORT aborts the batch.  
Submitting individual statements works just fine.  You are submitting the 
script as a single sql statement rather than multiple statements (ie, save the 
script into a file with one command per line and it will work just peachy ...

2015-03-18 18:13:30 [D:\Temp]
>sqlite < abort1.sql
Error: near line 2: no such table: foo
create table foo( value text, constraint uk unique( value ) );
begin transaction;
insert into foo( value ) values( 'bar' );
begin transaction;
insert into foo( value ) values( 'bar' );
Error: near line 8: UNIQUE constraint failed: foo.value
begin transaction;
insert into foo( value ) values( 'baz' );
begin transaction;
insert into foo( value ) values( 'baz' );
Error: near line 14: UNIQUE constraint failed: foo.value

2015-03-18 18:13:53 [D:\Temp]
>sqlite < abort2.sql
Error: near line 2: no such table: foo
create table foo( value text, constraint uk unique( value ) );
begin transaction;
insert into foo( value ) values( 'bar' );
begin transaction;
insert into foo( value ) values( 'bar' );
Error: near line 5: UNIQUE constraint failed: foo.value
begin transaction;
Error: near line 6: cannot start a transaction within a transaction
begin transaction;
Error: near line 7: cannot start a transaction within a transaction

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.  Practice is when 
everything works but no one knows why.  Sometimes theory and practice are 
combined:  nothing works and no one knows why.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users-bounces at [mailto:sqlite-users-
>bounces at] On Behalf Of Petite Abeille
>Sent: Wednesday, 18 March, 2015 15:02
>To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] bug in transactions implementation ?
>> On Mar 18, 2015, at 9:45 PM, Jason Vas Dias <jason.vas.dias at>
>> Would you care to expand on that ?
>As it says on the tin [1]: you cannot start a transactions inside another
>transaction (use savepoint if you want that), so?
>create table foo( value text, constraint uk unique( value ) );
>begin transaction; insert into foo( value ) values( 'bar' ); commit; ? ok
>begin transaction; insert into foo( value ) values( 'bar' ); commit; ?
>Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: foo.value
>begin transaction; insert into foo( value ) values( 'baz' ); commit; ?
>Error: cannot start a transaction within a transaction
>rollback; ? ok
>begin transaction; insert into foo( value ) values( 'baz' ); commit; ? ok
>sqlite-users mailing list
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