On 3/31/2015 7:50 PM, Bart Smissaert wrote:
> Say I have a table with 3 fields. Depending on a value in field 1 (this
> value will be either 1 or 2)
> I want to do a different sort order sorting on fields 2 and 3.
> This will be either order by field2 desc, field3 desc or field3 desc,
> field2 desc.

Color me dense, but I for one do not understand from this description 
what you are trying to achieve. For one thing, you say you want sort 
order to depend on field1, which only contains two different values, but 
you plan to somehow derive three different sort orders from it.

Could you show some sample data, in the order you want it to appear? 
Perhaps the pattern would be easier to discern this way.
Igor Tandetnik

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