Is the PRAGMA value the retry interval, or the timeout where it 
aborts and reports a failure?

Scott Doctor
scott at

On 5/2/2015 5:08 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 3 May 2015, at 12:55am, J Decker <d3ck0r at> wrote:
>> Yes, it really requires only a little additional work on application side.
>> The native open will open it in read/write share allow, and handle
>> interlocking.
>> if you get a result of SQLITE_BUSY you need to retry the operation after a
>> short time.
> Just to update J a little, you no longer need to handle the retry in your own 
> code.  SQLite has its own exponential-backoff-and-retry feature.  You set it 
> up using either C code or a PRAGMA, which have identical result:
> <>
> <>
> Do this with your connection handle after you open the database.  Set it to a 
> couple of minutes, or however long you want your program to keep retrying 
> before failing and reporting an error to the user.
> Simon.
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