Sorry for the delay.

>> I started with the single table solution. But it was to slow on select and 
>> the database was also bigger because of the id for each row. Now I can use 
>> the timestamp as rowed.
>If it was slow on SELECT I suspect you didn't have an appropriate INDEX.  But 
>my suggestion about this was just a minor part of my answer and if your setup 
>works for you it is not a bad setup.

With a single table and appropriate indices I have nearly the double size of 
the database :(
Currently I use one column with "integer primary key asc" as rowed and another 
for the real value.

>> Btw. How big is the overhead of calling multiple commands instead of one?
>> I do sqlite3_prepare() for all commands on the beginning and in the running 
>> only sqlite3_reset(), sqlite3_bind*() and >sqlite3_step().
>My understanding is that you cannot bind a TABLE name to a parameter, so with 
>your current setup you wouldn't be able to >use the same statement with 
>multiple tables.  If you collapse your data into one TABLE then you could just 
>rebind one >parameter as you move from one set of data to another.

I have one prepared statement for each table to delete the whole table "delete 
* from tablename" and one to delete only values after a given time. The last 
one will use the time as bind parameter.

>But I cannot even guess how speed would change between the two models.  They 
>depend too much on the sizes of the >tables and how fast various components of 
>your computer are.  The main convenience of having one table instead of many 
>>is that it usually means you do less programming.

Sure. My main problem is still the time of a delete statement. It takes some 
minutes to delete all data from all tables. May be it is also a hardware 
problem. I found recently a thread about disabling indexing on windows 
directories. I will try this and play with the sqlite settings.

I also tried to recreate the database. It failed sometimes because after "db 
close" I could not always delete the file. Windows gave a permission denied. 
And then you also run in problems when the database is read from other 
It would be nice to have a command inside sqlite to clear an entire database.


Thank you for your input.

Kernkraftwerk Goesgen-Daeniken AG
CH-4658 Daeniken, Switzerland

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