On 28 May 2015 at 08:24, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:
>> Not a huge deal but I ran make test today and this was the error:
>> ./fuzzershell /home/user/fossil-repos/sqlite3/test/fuzzdata1.txt
>> /home/user/fossil-repos/sqlite3/test/fuzzdata2.txt
>> ./fuzzershell: cannot open
>> /home/user/fossil-repos/sqlite3/test/fuzzdata1.txt for reading
>> *** Signal 6
> The makefile should have changed to compensate.  Maybe you need to
> rerun configure?

Getting much further!

All memory allocations freed - no leaks
Memory used:          now          0  max     237856  max-size      64000
Allocation count:     now          0  max        572
Page-cache used:      now          0  max          0  max-size       1176
Page-cache overflow:  now          0  max     158152
Scratch memory used:  now          0  max          0
Scratch overflow:     now          0  max       2560  max-size       2560
Maximum memory usage: 237856 bytes
Current memory usage: 0 bytes
Number of malloc()  : -1 calls
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/home/user/fossil-repos/sqlite3

Is that anything to be concerned about?

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