> On 19 Nov 2015, at 2:49pm, Andrew Stewart <AStewart at arguscontrols.com> 
> wrote:
>       Had a question regarding what I am trying to do.  One thing that I have 
> noticed is that it is slow to do this.  I do not have any indexes created and 
> there is no primary index on this table.

I bet whatever you're doing, a well-chosen index will speed it up.

>       I am using a 'DateTime' variable for the date/time.  I understand this 
> translates to a Numeric.


> It appears to be getting handled as a string, but not sure.

SQLite has column affinity rather than column type.  So it will let you put a 
string into a Numeric column if that's what you tell it to do.  It will 
definitely not translate a string that doesn't look like a number (e.g. has 
"May" in it) into a number without you telling it to.

> Would it be any better if I stored the date/time as a Integer (64bit value).  
> This would be using the C routine for generating a date/time based upon the 
> __time64 type (number of seconds since jan 1 1970 0:0:0).

It will definitely be faster processing integers than processing strings.

You could even use a function built into SQLite to do it:

SELECT strftime('%s','2004-01-01 02:34:56');
INSERT INTO myTable (timeStamp) VALUES (strftime('%s','2004-01-01 02:34:56'));

For information on date & time formats accepted, see



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